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A commission that's been a long time coming for @ChapilleLP on Twitter!  An Instant loss 2panel, I even made a Game UI alt with a bit of a gape~ Story below!


After being gifted the talisman of divine protection for defending the land from a vicious dragon, the lauded hero Sleepy decided to take on the easy task of relic retrieval, making his way into the villainous blue lizardmen's territory. This evil tribe plagues the local villages, becoming a severe threat for residents and travelers alike, but such bandits pose little peril to someone who felled a dragon. 

Familiar with Lizardman, the hero knew their strengths, weaknesses, and even that they had incredible sex drives and, going by rumors, learned this group was no exception. Villagers said they worshiped a deity that imbued them with the ability to inflict curses of lust. Reckless wanderers struck by such afflictions would be kept as "companions" by the fiends, however nobody had witnessed such an event.

After all, these were merely rumors from anxious townsfolk, and their absurdness knew no bounds. Tribal lizardmen were typically simple creatures without magic nor complex weaponry, most didn't pose a threat to a veteran adventurer. Unbothered by the buzz and with divinity in his pocket, he trusted this to be the perfect opportunity to test his new trinket!

The Lapine lept in unarmored, yet bold as brass, tackling the scalie criminals! Their blows brushed off the hero as if they were wielding mere twigs, and he was able to retrieve the relic with ease! Never has a quest gone so smoothly, he thought...

...However, whether allured by their racy assailant's form or ignorant of the magic they witnessed, the lizardmen's attacks and pursuit grew more relentless until, finally, the hero had strained the limits of his divine protection.

Now stripped of his holy charm, and well, everything else, he found himself reduced to the role of pleasuring the wicked lizardmen. He eventually found out all the mad rumors were true, down to the grittiest of details! The ranks of the lizardmen would use the lust-cursed hero as they pleased, breeding him rigorously throughout day and night. Even when given sparse moments of rest, he could still hear the sound of their sex echo through the encampment, teasing the poor lapine with a good time.

Eventually, he even picked up on scant bits of their tongue, the most common word being tossed towards him being something similar to "slut". But how could he be mad? After all, they were right, he had long since abandoned his role as a hero, becoming a mate for his scalie suitors. He didn't care about such trivial titles anymore, he was simply glad to embrace their wiles, and eager to present his holes when he was needed.





Love everything about this <3

Sherrie Mora

Wow, top to bottom in what, record time? Luv it!


Looove your story!!

Lucas (Littleatk)

I love instant_loss_2koma you did an amazing job on this 😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍