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Been a bit under the weather lately. Originally I wasn't expecting it to impact my productivity but I just haven't been able to really do too much in general, so just putting an update to say there may be delays on post for a bit... for right now, I'm going to try and focus on the Blacksad related imagery so it can be available before the end of the month. Sorry to those looking for new comic pages in particular! If I finish the other material hopefully I can put a comic page out or two, or even if need be 1 part of Mundi.
Apologies, and Thank you for your support!


Lucas (Littleatk)

We understand but take your time and take breaks because we care about your health

Milligram Smile

Take all the time you need dude <3


Take your time to rest and get better! Health comes first.


Ur absolutely chillin my guy you've been crankin out so much,I'm surprised you haven't taken a break.