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The Form: https://forms.gle/744PPqvBRogCrJo37

Here it is! Your feedback is always incredibly important and I really depend on it for growth, so if you have the time please fill it out! I've learned a lot of things to do (and not to do as well..!) while working on Mundi and the small one-offs I've done on the way.

I have my blind spots and am far from perfect so I would really love to see what you guys liked, what you disliked, and what you want and expect from me in the future.

None of the sections are mandatory and this is anonymous so feel free to fill out what you want!

There's also a section at the end where you can submit me any questions and I'll answer them later in a post! 

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me for so long! The support has been genuinely life changing and I hope to do better for you all!  



Quick question before I fill out the survey so I'm at least getting you the data you want. Was Mundi meant to be primarily a smut comic or were you looking for the story to also take equal importance? Like obviously it's very smut-centric and that's fine, but how highly would you class the plot as something the viewer should be invested in?


HMM I will expand this a bit more with questions later since people are curious, but I would say a bit plot focused (although really I attempted to transform it to that). My initial idea was pretty purely smutty with just cute mindless romance stuff and drama near the end between these two but over time I shifted to wanting to give them a plot for the sake of future material (even if sloppily).


Gotcha! I've been enjoying it regardless on both fronts, but it just helps guide where you might be looking for critique rather than "needs more X" when you weren't even trying to offer X at all!


Oh don't worry! Give your honest opinion, I do want to hear what everyone would be interested in as well.