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He is indeed a mess. There may be a bit more going on than the original premise, just a little!





Drake Arlin

.... I have many questions...


This got so lame and dorky so fast.. what a boner killer..


Eh, I like the previous pages on their own for the story, and admittedly I think this stuff kinda caught me off guard, but it's still hot so it's nice.

Azure Statison

I love how Rio isn't freaked at all just concerned. He must've known about this lol

Gayme Guy

Sooo they’re both demons or everyone is a demon orrr?


Apologies! It's been a bit of a learning process trying to figure out certain directions with the comic, so when it doesn't quite hit the mark for someone it's always unfortunate to hear, but thank you for the honesty and support.


Glad to hear! Wish I could shotgun the pages out rather than once a week so the reveal isn't so dripfed but alas.


Interesting twist, but honestly the comic has strayed away from its original idea I guess?

Zan Azoth

While hot, I'm so confused haha I think it'd be less so if there was like, any pre-established hint this would happen? Oh well, still hot and fun.


Not as much as you'd expect, I promise. But when things get twisty I can understand that being a concern, especially since I didn't premise it too much there would be more than anthro people or "school love" plot.


I agree, I do wish I had foreshadowed this occuring, and I feel bad for the confusion overall. I definitely do take the critique to heart, and for my first truly OC comic it's been a crazier learning experience than I've had with the others honestly.


I enjoy the character dynamics alot, though I prefer marshs normal form this is an unexpected turn that I liked quite a lot. I definitely wanna see the explanation for this


Thank you! And don't worry, normal Marsh isn't disappearing. I hope when I get to the more expository moments it'll satisfy peeps.


Dude you always satisfy me with your art I absolutely love your fox x wolf comic, wolf from star fox is one of my favorite characters and I love you're art style


Hey Dangpa! I wanna tell you personally as a monster lover, seeing one of the sexiest furry characters I've ever seen (Marsh) become a sexy monster demon was honestly icing on the cake. I'm sorry youre getting criticism but I promise that there are people in your audience that are thrilled by this.


Thanks, I'm glad you're liking it! Don't worry too much about it. There is valid criticism to be had (I rather hear it than people stay quiet), and I expected to receive some, so it's no problem.