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My first tutorial! In the attachments is a zip with 10 pages (+overlay with added descriptions) on my process for this pic.

Since this is my first one if you feel like providing any feedback I'm all ears! I plan to do more of these and maybe general art tuts in the future if this sparks some interest.



Asher Tail

Woo!! Thank you for the tutorial!

Asher Tail

Oh may I ask what texture brush you're using? Is it "oil standard?" I forgot where I got that brush XD. And by chance do you have the psd or .clip file? Thank you!


I use the oil paint flat brush, some textured "Strokes" brush (believe I got it from frenden a good time ago) and a photoshop dupe brush (soft round, render). I have a .clip (which I can convert to .psd), but I'll need to organize it so its sensible if you're interested! I dont particularly label my layers during my process/worked by flattening on this a bit.


Absolutely fantastic. I've been struggling with my paintings for a long while now so this is incredibly helpful to me, I'm happy to have decided to support you and will continue to do so in the future


Thank you! I hope to make more of these as long as interest holds, I dont mind tagging them along illustrations!


This was an awesome tutorial Dangpa! Ive been wanting to see your process for a while and this helped a lot on a lot of doubts i had of how to approach certain things! Keep it up!

Vitamin Dingo

Oh cool! Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I love catching a glimpse into artist's creative process