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YAY we got to page 19! This probably wound up being my favorite page of the chapter! I just like the breathing space and visual interest of the slow zoom into a new environment (in this case, NYC K-town in Herald Square ... you'll see the Empire State Building later in the scene to confirm it, for the New Yorkers in the crowd)

The thumbnails were actually split duty between me and Ananth this time - I thumbnailed the scene with Cerberus, and Ananth thumbnailed the bar scene with Hyewon and Percy, so we passed the file back and forth a couple times making this one. You'll be able to tell the difference between our drawing styles in the thumbnail sketch too lol (I shared a lot of the previous Cerberus scene earlier so I figured I'd skip the breakdowns of page 17 & 18. If want to see you can scroll back a ways to see them!)

I thought a lot about the scene color transition in this one - Leeds' scenes in chapter 8 are purple and yellow, and Percy's scenes are purple and pink. As the night goes on the scene gets increasingly neon and unreal as the girls polish off a bottle of soju. Looking for color reference for some reason my brain got stuck on my hazy decades-old memory of the drunk elephants scene from Dumbo so that wound up being my touchstone lol

Also, that bubbly ball-hands style I started drawing in for the Elden Rings comics strikes again in the second panel haha ... it's been fun to use!




Ahh so damn beautiful!! Interesting breakdown, especially love the change for the panel of leeds brooming and the trio behind him


ehehe thank you! The characters in that panel wound up being moved around a lot to make the dialogue breathe properly/have good readability. Also I wanted to make them all really bubbly haha