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This page went through a bunch of variations in the thumbnail stage but this was the one version that came out on top! Once again, this is one of the pages Ananth thumbnailed and he did a great job. I think the huge center panel is so eye-catching, it was a delight to draw and really push emotionally.

I've been trying to really push color palettes to show time, place, character, and emotion in this chapter! There's SO many flashbacks it's been really important to denote them as differently as possible from the present. I set a lot of rules in previous chapters that I'm trying hard to stick to - flashbacks having colored borders, with orangey-pink colors for Percy's flashbacks and blues and purples for Leeds' flashbacks.

I love a mid-page scenechange, when done right it feels kinetic and almost cinematic... but also when working in color sometimes it creates a bit of palette discord haha... I'm sure it doesn't bother most other people but it DOES bug me when I'm flipping through the chapter! Hopefully when it's in print it'll look really great and deliberate in a spread lol




Hmm... It works, in the sense that it's clearly a scene change... but I see what you mean by the color palette not really meshing well.