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We had it ALL PLANNED OUT, we wanted to make Percy as our player character and then Leeds as her guardian... and then it turns out you can't make Dragonborn guardians for some D&D deep-cut reason. ;____; We wound up making a version of a newer character of ours from [undisclosed project], but I wish we could've done Leeds instead U___U

(context: when doing character creation in Baldur's Gate 3, you're asked to design your player character, then a character called "the guardian" who will be an NPC in the game)




Dang I can't believe we were denied this, thanks Wizards of the Coast

Faith Hicks

When you play together, who does the actual playing? It's my favorite couple activity to watch my husband play & yell at him about what he's doing (he's very patient). Then I feel like I've "played" a game & enjoyed it without doing the difficult stuff! :D


We've actually been passing the controller back and forth, which has been pretty unusual for us, but we're both really invested! There's stuff we tend to "specialize" in - I (yuko) do more looting, fiddly long-shot rogue stuff and conversation, Ananth does more large-scale combat and organization management. Ananth's been dealing with some hand RSI issues for a while so it's been mostly me playing the larger games lately (Elden Ring, all the Zeldas), so it's been a big deal that he's been able to play!