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HELLO sorry for the lull last week, we spent a majority of the week preparing to go to SPX which took up a lot of my energy and attention. Full disclosure, I'm absolutely not recovered from covid and ultimately we had to bow out of the show because we didn't think I'd be able to manage the trip down let alone the show itself. If you went, I'm sorry we missed you and I hope you had a great time. 

I wanted to show off the thumbnail for chapter 8 that Ananth did and how I wound up tackling it. This one was a lot of fun because everything is presented through the character acting with no dialogue. (which also means we didn't have to accommodate for word bubbles yay)

We don't have anything representative of the Gladiator's mask so I just freehand that one lol. It's basically a cool cylinder with a big square slit down the center, ty @ me for such a simple design

It's a special pleasure of mine to include hand acting in panels, and I tend to largely ignore the models. I'm one of those weirdos who loves to draw hands.

In this chapter I'm trying to set strong palettes per scene to set up mood and environment. This is Leeds' apartment so it's always neutral and desaturated, but I wanted to show it's afternoon so I set cool purple shadows with strong yellow light, with that intense cobalt blue from the flashback coming in. Leeds' key color is purple in this chapter, feel free to keep it in mind as the chapter continues haha




yay hands! I don't quite grasp what's in the last frame?


It's appeared several times, it's the horned gladiator helmet Leeds was wearing in Chapter 5. It's been sitting on Leeds' mantlepiece since chapter 6