(Dragalia Lost) Marishiten (Patreon)
My probably-last-ever-gacha is ending at the end of this month and I wanted to do something to properly say goodbye!! Dragalia Lost was my sexy dragon game that I started playing to prevent myself from looking at the news on my phone, and it worked!!!! Thank you to Dragalia for my mental health during some bad political years lol
Marishiten was the Year of the Boar dragon that came out when I started playing and I still stand by that she probably has my favorite design. Between all the gold detailing and the tusks and big hair, who can resist a feral god, not I
I'm not super crazy about how this came out, I've been not in a great creative headspace because of ~various health distractions~ but I'm going to call this done!!! It's fine!!! I'll just post a close crop on social media but I wanted to share the full piece with you here so all the details gets to be seen somewhere!