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Jumping puzzles are somehow better with friends... 😭

You can only have summons accompany you in really limited areas - boss rooms mostly- with the exception of one town where they can follow you around everywhere!!!! It also happened to be a jumping puzzle area lol

Somehow the constant failure of mis-jumping was less bad with the comedy of having the imps following me around.... thank you imps ......




Question is... if you miss the jump, do they follow you down to hell or do they successfully make the jump and stare down at you as you fall 😏


God I found this place early, had no idea that I had to go up onto the roofs, summoned a guy who proceeded to really insistently point upwards. I got the hint eventually


you know what, the third person camera makes that really hard to check ... I assume they actually stand around and watch you take the jump, then teleport if you do it successfully lol