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Hey guys! I think it's a hallmark of JW that we don't usually talk about the rougher parts of life, but we wanted to talk a little bit about what's been going on recently.

Yuko's been experiencing chronic wrist pain for the past 4 years or so, and about one year ago the pain got so bad that she had to see a number of specialists and get an MRI. After a long time, Yuko was finally diagnosed with De Quervain's tendonitis. With physical therapy, cortisone shots, and carefully managing what Yuko did with her hands, we were able to circumvent surgery and see some progress. 

About 3 months ago, the pain returned. Yuko got a second MRI. It showed a recurrence of old symptoms and a number of newer and more distressing injuries, outside of the current doctor's realm of expertise. She was referred to an orthopedic surgeon and has an appointment in mid-September. Surgery is now an option on the table, but we won't be able to say for certain until then.

Meanwhile, Yuko's request for more physical therapy has been turned down by her insurance and she is currently going through the appeals process, which will take about a month. In the meantime, Yuko has learned from a doctor friend how to apply kinesiology tape (pictured above), which is supposed to help ease tendon pain. 

Honestly, it's been rough. It's difficult to summarize the day-to-day experience of coping with the situation in a single post. Once Lucky Penny is at the printer we're going to take a vacation– just the two of us– for the first time since before Johnny Wander started. So we're looking forward to that. 

Anyway, I think that's about it. We're out here doing our best. Take care of yourselves! That's an order. 




I've got nothing more to say, other than, I hope Yuko gets better and you guys can have a nice and calm vacation, because you sure as hell deserve it!


Please feel better Yuko! I also have wrist tendinitis due to poor posture and lots of typing. Finding physical therapy that took my insurance (and that was effective) was a huge pain as well. I did buy one of these off Amazon, it fits my small hands - <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Wellgate-Women-PerfectFit-Wrist-Support/dp/B000GHG3RG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Wellgate-Women-PerfectFit-Wrist-Support/dp/B000GHG3RG</a> . My PT recommended not wearing them to sleep or tying them too tightly, as it could stifle blood flow, but it's really good at keeping your hand stable and not bent at awkward angles. I also started using this when i started feeling better - <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QSQ3ZY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QSQ3ZY</a> . A lot of the reviews are from musicians, and my friends who are programmers and/or rock climbers say they've benefitted a lot. But you probably shouldn't use these until you've rested up a bit. Again, take it easy, and hope you guys have a great vacation!


Sounds familiar. I wish you the best of luck. Doing stretches helps me somewhat (although not amazingly). Lately I've been using a chin-up bar, not to do chin-ups but just to stretch my arm tendons with. Also my physical therapist gave me a bunch of stretches that are helpful when I remember to do them. When I sleep I wear padded splints on both wrists, and my right one has a thumb thingamajig because I have deQuervain's in my right thumb too. This brand is pretty good: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Breg-Wrist-Cock-Up-Splint-Medium/dp/B00IDRVKEM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_121_2?ie=UTF8&amp;refRID=002YNV1B3G6KN3F8S38E" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Breg-Wrist-Cock-Up-Splint-Medium/dp/B00IDRVKEM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_121_2?ie=UTF8&amp;refRID=002YNV1B3G6KN3F8S38E</a> Unlike with agau4779, my PT and orthopedic surgeon both recommended that I ONLY wear them to bed and not while working. This is probably one of those "opinions are like anuses" things, though.


I've had tendonitis in the past and I know how badly it can hurt. You guys give an incredible amount to your fans and readers. You deserve some time off, and you absolutely are entitled to the time it takes to deal and heal with something as impacting as Yuko's tendonitis. I think most of your readership would agree with me when I say, do what ever you need to and take as much time as you need to lead happy and pain-free lives. Best of luck to you both and I hope you enjoy your vacation!


I totally understand Yuko's predicament - my physical therapy was also denied by my insurance company after I used my allotment. Thankfully, I've been able to manage without it so far. I hope yours gets reinstated. In the meanwhile, enjoy that upcoming vacation time! It's been a long constant ride since you guys started -- you deserve it. :D


Appreciate you sharing this with us. Sounds like a painfully frustrating experience especially when it impedes your career and passion. Hoping medical science can come through for you and wishing you the best of luck. You guys definitely deserve that vacation. One silly silver lining is that the kin tape makes Yuko look like a badass anime character with mysterious markings.


Best of luck with all that! I hope a solution comes up and the doctors find a way to relieve that pain. Also, enjoy your vacation!


Thanks for sharing - sending good thoughts your way!


Yuko, I hope you can find some relief via the tape and existing treatments, and that you prevail in your insurance appeal. Thanks for sharing something so personal, and both of you enjoy a well-earned, greatly overdue vacation!

Alenka Figa

Yuko, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this! Chronic pain is terrible and I'm sure it's not fun to deal with wrist pain when drawing and making art is such a huge part of your life. Your art is gorgeous and Johnny Wander has been making my life brighter for years now, so hopefully patreon can help ease the awful that is dealing with insurance.