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episodes 3 & 4 will be uploaded to youtube together but again now I'm having weird problems of exporting episode 4.. but its coming :) prob posting on the 2nd 


Joe Lancaster

I don't have time to watch the full episode right now but I had to watch the first 5 mins to see what happened from last episode. It went pretty much the way I expected. Excited to watch the rest later! This has been a good show pick, Billy!

Diane Furlong

Billy, bear with me because this is probably a dumb question. I realize that everything is edited on the show but I keep thinking that are the guys not allowed to go off by themselves for a walk or something? I guess that doesn’t make for interesting tv but they could let their guard down and learn something about each other. Now I can’t remember which couple I kept thinking about needing that. Am I making any sense? Plus I hate that Bobski is gone. I think I’ll rewatch tomorrow and try to decide who I was thinking of.