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Hey everybody,

I got the call to work on a character for a new flavor of Tentacle Grape soda, and you get to help me figure out which character is best. Which of these girls would you most want to walk arm-in-arm with while sharing a drink?




Hard choice a lot of them are really good! Maybe Hair 8 with Outfit 1b or Outfit 9?


I say I like F overall. Outfit 16 is my favorite of them and I like hair 6m followed by 3. If I remember Tentacle Grape outfits, schoolgirl and Fruitinari Punch was bikini, I like the idea of this one being more like a festival kimono. All of them look great but 16 that theme to me.


I'm leaning to hair 2 and outfit 1 personally, but just strait up G is looking like a good girl to me.