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Hi Everyone,

It's time for another Ecchi update.

I'll try to keep this brief. First off, a new story, Bedtime for Galems, has been added to the art page, linked here. Give it a look if you're the type who enjoys [s]polluting the purity of unadorned pics with the author's intended[/s] context along with the pics.

"I am but a shadow, yet I remain."
-Great MILF of the Cosmos, Rosalina 

Next up, hey, it's Rosalina. I've been working on the next Smash Beach pic and I'm about to start putting together the final draft.

While working on the preliminary sketch, I ran into a minor setback when I accidentally and irrevocably deleted the directory holding all files pertaining to the image from my NAS box. This was a severe fuckup, the likes of which I'd never run into during the 20ish years I've been making digital art. Fortunately, I was early in the process so we were really only dealing with the sketch and color rough.

Despite it all, I had a stroke of dumb luck that kept the image momentum going. While I'd deleted the files from my laptop, over on my sleeping desktop PC, I had left the image viewer/manager ACDSee open in the Rosalina image directory. When I realized this, I powered up the PC and found that the most recent save for the image was still loaded in the viewer. It was right there on screen! I quickly took a screen cap and saved it to a new file. 

While I'd lost the PSDs with the early process, layers, and all the reference material, I had the overall concept. The next day I was able to start right back into work, as though nothing had happened. Praise god, spaghetti, etc., Rosalina was saved!

Lesson learned: Don't attempt to do directory clean up and file deletion while distracted making dinner and washing the dishes.

Lesson two: Maybe enabling Shadow Copies on the NAS might have helped… kinda depends. The file creation and deletion happened the same day, so it may not have preserved anything. Anyway, something to look into.

Lesson three: Maybe exporting the recycling bin on the NAS would have worked, though the image management program I was using often fails to move files into the recycling directory, especially when that file is on a network drive, so that likely wouldn't have done anything useful.

Lessons aside, most importantly, I was able to pull the essence of the image back from the grave, and entirely revive it from a phantom memory. As you can see, we're progressing towards the final sketch. More to share soon.

High concentration of mass.

On the same topic, as part of figuring out the character and her swimsuit attire, I put together a flat front shot of Rosa in an A-pose.

And nude.

Mina Cream helped out with the swimsuit concepts, leaving me to generously pick and pull from her imagined character wardrobe. Here's her design sheet. Thanks Mina!

And here's how Rosa stacks up on the "global leader board". As you can see, I'm basing her build on a mix of data from the Smash Bros. fan community that, through a complex interpretative matrix of facts regarding known Mario series characters heights, along with detailed model-to-model height comparisons,  proposes that Rosalina is actually a 7'+ tall giantess. This data is further corroborated by the fact that despite her otherwise slender appearance, she's also the only heavy weight female racer in Mario Kart. Hmmm... quite big. Cosmic mommy indeed. 

That's a shocking number of blonde girls with blue eyes. I promise this isn't a kink, just a coincidence.

Okay, that's enough prattle for now.

Take care,



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