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Before you stands an astounding beauty - a full-figured blonde goddess adorned in lingerie and jewels. It's unclear if she's a human, a galem (of the fleshia variety), a succubus, or a demon in disguise. Her voluptuous flesh is surrounded by flowing golden locks that cascade down her back. Her enormous heaving breasts are tightly bound in a frilly pink bra that threatens to burst at any moment. On her head sits an adorable metal crown, studded with large ruby-red jewels in the shape of hearts. A delicate veil pours from the crown's center and sweeps down along the edge of her face, parting to reveal a pair of pleading blue eyes which sparkle with a playful glint and pouting pink lips curved into the subtlest of smiles. Your gaze lingers on her skin, tracing the curves. It seems too radiant, swollen, supple, and delicious to be real.

She stares at you with barely masked desire, her gaze fixing you in place, before speaking in a sweet whisper. "Master," she lilts the single word in a curious tone, that seems both a question and statement. It send shivers down your spine as your mind, frenzied by lustful thoughts, strains to determine her true intentions.

So, what will it be?

  • Fight
  • F***
  • Flee
