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Special Treat

As the full moon cast its ethereal light across the landscape, a figure emerged from the shadows, a black silhouette barely distinguishable from the cold autumn sky. The witch stepped forward, her head held low and face shrouded beneath the vast brim of her oversized hat.

The moonlight struck her, revealing a tantalizing sight. Though her legs were modestly clad in thigh-high stockings and high-heeled boots, and her arms were draped in elegant billowy sleeves, her midsection was almost completely bare, adorned only in a small black bikini, and accented by strands of golden cord, charms, and precious jewels. Emphasized by her choice of attire, the vast exposed flesh shone with a pink glow, like the warm harvest moon through parting black clouds.

She continued forward, long violet hair accented with dancing magenta streaks, swayed around her frame like a rough sheered silken cloak. Drawing close, the bounce of her large supple breasts became more apparent. Treats of all varieties jostled and spilled to the ground from the crown of the overflowing pumpkin-shaped bucket she rocked in her hand with heedless regard.

She stopped less than a breath away, tipped her head up, and flashed an almost pleading smile, revealing amethyst and ochre eyes that sparkled with mystery.

Offering the bucket, she spoke in a seductive whisper that seemed to beg as much as command, "Place your hand inside. Whatever you grasp is the special treat that's meant for you."


Art Talk

Festive, right? I was hoping to get a witch together this month. Turns out, with a little help and inspiration, it was possible... though I'd like to do about 10 more.

As I mentioned in a prior post, this was one of the collaborative pics Mina and I worked on together this month.

Here's the original sketch that Mina rushed out for me one morning. Like all her roughs, the whole picture is there, but it took a while to hone all the vagaries into recognizable objects and develop the details. Looking over the files, it seems like it took about 8-10 days to get everything together and painted, with the first couple days spent redrawing the character and her outfit in finer detail.

Four days in, with the character painting mostly done, I took a step back and scrutinized the picture on a whole.  I was left wondering what (besides looking cute and playful) the character was doing. Maybe we could put something in her hands? But what? What's not going to feel arbitrary? Well, she's a witch, and this is a Halloween-themed picture. Maybe a broom? Maybe she's out trick-or-treating, or giving out treats? Maybe she could be holding a pumpkin-shaped trick-or-treat bucket? It seemed like an idea.

I sent my work request over to Mina and she made it happen, redrawing the hand and adding the bucket. I cleaned up and painted everything, and the image looked good, but still felt incomplete. Then it hit me, there was no candy, just the bare bucket.

Now maybe the bucket was loaded, but all the candy was hidden beneath the rim line. That would be fine, but if you can't see something in an illo, it may as well not be there. So, rather than stopping with the bucket, I started drawing candies spilling over the top.

Then I thought, the candy wrappers could add a nice splash of color all throughout this otherwise dark and lavender dominated image. It'd look fun. Why not use candy like a design motif and just throw the shit everywhere, like confetti. Have it rain down from up high. That'd look cool.

Why stop with candy? We're all adults here. Why not some adult-style candy too? Maybe some condoms, cigs, cocaine and more. This little witch has everything…except maybe liquor. I forgot the liquor. :(

Maybe next year.

Take care,





No worries just say its liquor flavoured candy :P She looks great Mina came up with a really nice starting point for the witch and your colours are just amazing.


She looks both enchanting and alluring, perfect for a witch. I am big fan of the colors especially her purple hair as well as the added details from the background/candy. Really nice work!


I like the bonus fuschia colored Mucha hair streaks I added at the last moment. Think they add a lot of fun to the image, and break from the "realistic" rendering in a nice way. The hair turned out nice, there's so much of it. It'd probably feel nice too and smell like sugar. Heh. Man... I gotta come up with a better method of coloring hair. When a character has a lot, like her, I get caught up detailing every part and it takes forever. It's also arguable if it's even helpful, because all the details can draw the eye away from other focal points. Anyway, something I'm aware of and will be looking to rectify (without harming the pics). Study, study.


Liquor candies... I hadn't thought of that. I guess the bases are covered then. Mina kept the rough brisk and cute, then I slaved over everything for a couple of weeks. Haha.. well it was worth it. Very happy with how it turned out. Like how the vivid candies and hair streaks play off the more muted tones. Reminds me of black light posters they sell at Spencer's. Mika Pikazo's hyper saturated rainbow color garbage aesthetics, that I made contact with while drawing Alear, must be rubbing off on me. ;)