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Took long enough to get here but I'm finally getting the sketch together. I know I said I was ready for this in the last update, but these Smash Beach pics are a big pain. Hahaha. As with the pics in the series that proceeded this, I'm trying for a sort of weeb reconstitution of William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Anyway, the bod is done, for the most part, and the hair flow is figured  out. Onto work out the outfit details. Honestly, I wouldn't have been here so fast if I hadn't already worked up a composition for this 3 years ago. Because of that, I've been able to piggy-back off the past effort and get this together fairly quickly. Thanks past me! Even so, it'll be a while to get everything coordinated, especially considering the cast off nature of the pic, but I'm gonna power through. I'll keep you updated in the meantime.


P.S. Playing Into the Breach during the off hours. Like FTL, it's a great game. Pure stress though.




Oh nice these were great. Into the Breach is great, till you spend all your currency on the most complex new units and have no idea how to use them.


I'm scared to try anything beyond the Rift Walkers. Heh. I'll give one of the other groups a try once I wrap up the in-game achievements for the first team. After that, my condolences to the lives and timelines I end up wrecking.