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The Serpent's Call

Amidst the dimly lit room, she stood out like a beacon, clad in a black and white crop top embellished with gold trim. Draped around her neck hung a heavy golden cross, swaying from a delicate golden chain. Among her stranger adornments, she wore an intricately crafted golden circlet with a center piece that resembled a third eye. It all gave off an air of mystery and intrigue, suggesting she was a nun or priestess from some ancient cult.

The way she moved across the room, with the grace of a dancer, it was clear that every step was like a prayer of devotion to a mysterious deity. Her skin was flawless alabaster, and her muscles rippled beneath the smooth surface. Those bewitching eyes, with their shifting colors and crystalline iridescence simply dazzled and charmed. And then there was her tongue - how could anyone forget her tongue? It was at least eight inches long. For just a moment, it slithered out of her mouth like a snake seeking prey. I couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by this fascinating spectacle.

When she caught me gazing at her, she withdrew the serpent into the recesses of its moist cavern and flashed a mischievous smile my way. My heart raced and breath quickened as I watched her leave the room. Who was this woman?

Art Talk

Hi Everybody,

Hey, it's the MISC girl from the recent art-pack upload. Keeping it simple, this was another one of those fitness girl designs that bubbled around my brain a couple months back while working on ideas for Ecchi008-Ultra Fitness Lynelle. When I started sketching her I only had one objective in mind, I wanted to give her hair that gave off the impression of a cobra's hood. This then morphed into the idea of a nun habit. Then things circled back to the serpentine, hence the enormous snake-like tongue.

I can't tell you much about the character, even a name, but I kinda imagine she's part of some religious order where they worship a female deity, giving praise through lesbian orgies, seeking the perfection of their bodies, and earning divine gifts from their goddess, which they use in further acts of praise.





I was wondering who she was, she looks great, the circlet really standout on her before she shows off her tongue. Love the cult vibe she has and would be a fun part to explore. Like how intense is the indoctrination ceremony for outsiders lol.