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Dear Diary,

Hi there! It's me, Peach! Oh dear, I had another one of those silly moments yesterday... I was walking around the castle grounds and realized that I forgot to put on any clothes! Eek! So embarrassing, right? But hey, it's okay - no harm done, right? Except for maybe some awkward stares from the guards, haha! They were probably thinking "What kind of crazy lady is she?" but oh well, now they know how amazing my body looks, don't they? Tee-hee!

Anyway, let's talk about last night. I had such a big appetite after eating all the cakes again! Yum yum! I just couldn't resist their deliciousness, even though I told myself not to. And now this morning, I woke up feeling really hungry again. Maybe I should try to eat less sweets or something. But honestly, who doesn't love cake? Especially when it tastes as good as these ones. They must have some magical powers to make them so irresistible. Haha!


The Taste of a Ripe Peach

A while back, Mina and I were talking art and she mentioned that @Doxy had done some pics of a plump milfy Princess P. Although I haven't seen those particular pics, I'm sure they're amazing, as Doxy's work is always top-notch. In any case, the premise intrigued my artist libido. I just loved the idea of her being this sweet, dumb, and shapely airhead that occasionally forgot to dress herself in the morning. 

IDK, again, speak with my non-existent therapist. 

After getting all worked up, I drew a crude little doodle on the back of some scrap paper. Despite the dumb premise, I couldn't let the idea go, and kept reworking  the sketch. Eventually it got to the point where I just had to commit and finish the image. Here we are, a lighthearted portrayal of our eternal princess.

Other news:

Got the flu. Hit hard in fast over the weekend. I'm currently recovering. No need for thoughts or prayers. I'm another victim of the disease outbreak that comes with the start of the school year.

When I was at my worst over the weekend, with my head throbbing and body wracked with chills, I hunched over my PC and sunk more of my life into Elden Ring.  Somehow when I'm sick, games are the perfect salve. My brain can just float off to wherever and my terrestrial woes seem lessened.  Consider this next time you see Child's Play looking for donations, I know I will.

All of this is to say that, I finally defeated Malenia - Blade of Miquella. After repeatedly retrying her for hours last week, I eventually opted to move on and do other things, rather than stew in bitter, scarlet-tinged frustration. With the flu clearing my IRL to-do itinerary, I opted to take my Elden avatar on a voyage to the unexplored Mohgwyn Palace and then Crumbling Farum Azula. After seeing the sights, looting, and murdering the locals, I headed back to Malenia's boss chamber. You know what, that's all it took. Everything clicked after that.

So, what did it? It wasn't leveling.  I'd only leveled up maybe 4 times during that interval, and all of those points were sunk into useless stats for my character build. I just ended up doing the same thing I'd done on prior attempts, but did it more optimally. It still took maybe six attempts, but by the forth try, I knew I had her.  I've always found that there's a magic to getting buried in a problem, right up to the point of frustration, and then backing off and doing other things. Somehow, the brain does background processing and sorting when it's away from the problem, and the next time it's applied to the task it can hit it with a greater understanding and renewed vigor. 

That's how it's always been with art as well. To boil it down to something pithy, I'd say, apply yourself, but take your time with things. Solutions will come if you circle the problem for long enough.

That's it for now. 





Love the background and shading of all her curves <3


Can't wait for the full res versions! 🥰🥰🥰


Can you do a pregnant Elly from Xenogears?