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Hey everyone,

It's an update!

June marked the posting of Ecchi012-Psychodiver Samara and Ecchi014-Samara-Stretching Out. While I was certainly hoping to get more finished, sometimes it just doesn't work out. That's life.

Samara now has at least two, three, or more images posted, depending on how you count them. Thank you for your patronage, feedback, and patience as we've come to evoke her from an image of Zero Suit Samus, Eva memories, and abstract lustful thoughts. I'm sure she appreciates being "alive".

For now, let's focus on the great works that still need to be done.

Priorities for Next Month


Intrusive Thoughts story - Another, "I'm almost done," scenario. ...I'm almost done.



What can I say, she's a fuckdoll cum dumpster. I look forward to making many pictures featuring her and other buxom Fleshia incarnations that just happen to resemble video game princess characters.

Of course, I need to finish drawing her character design sheet. I will.

And as I mentioned last month, the Fleshia Galem species profile is 100% written up. I just need to get some imagery together to pair with it and then I'll post it.

While we're on the topic of character design sheets...

Character Bases

This again.

Ecchi0xx-PNKPXL Design Base - Blank
Ecchi0xx-PNKPXL Design Base - Priscylla Prizzel

  • Nude
  • Clothed
  • Underwear
  • Futanari?
  • BotW/TotK - Zelda Version

Like with the Peach design sheet, these design bases are tantalizingly close to completion. Just a bit more effort and I'll have them ready to share.

And finally,

Smash Beach Palutena

There's a non-zero likelihood that I'll get to her this month. Might we see a new sketch? I think that's highly possible. Stick around.

Of course there's a million other things I'd like to work on. Will there be surprises next month?? Maybe! I'm making a conscious effort to not over promise or get too scatter-brained. The agenda is all about finishing what's been started. Here's to wrapping everything up and moving on to lots of new stuff!


Oh, and last last thing. People keep asking me about prints. Am I making new prints? Yes, I think I should. I'll see about getting back to that. Keep an eye on here or Twitter if prints interest you.


Life talk!

I was hit by lightning this month. That's not hyperbole or a metaphor. I was standing in my tiny kitchen, putting away dishes while a thunderstorm raged outside. Suddenly, a bolt hit either the house or tree outside the kitchen window. I saw a blue flash, and was blown back by what I can only describe as a force push. I felt the electricity hit me about mid body and blow through my legs and out my toes. Nothing interesting happened to my penis...no electro-ejaculation… sorry. Instead, I just stumbled back, and fell over on the floor. Somehow, I got hit through the window (Guys, isn't glass an insulator? Maybe not a perfect insulator, right?). After a couple minutes I was able to get up. Aside from my leg muscles feeling jittery, I was alright. I am alright. Everything seems to work. No cardiac arrest. No hospital necessary. It’s been a couple weeks now, and besides providing an interesting story and a lasting fear of being near a window in a thunderstorm, I don't think there's any damage to me.

On the flip side, I'm sorry to report that no god-like powers or mutant abilities have manifest, which is a bit of a disappointment. In fact, the only lasting effects of the strike involve killing several electronic components in my home, including a router, networking equipment, and creating a situation with my cable modem that left me without internet access for a week while my ISP denied any problem with the equipment. Fortunately, the UPS systems with their beefy surge protection claims seemed to have kept all the major equipment safe. So in the end, besides setbacks, annoyances, and a couple hundred dollars fixing this and that, everything turned out alright. So yay for that I guess.

As expected, though I'm putting in the hours, I'm running behind in all things. As much as I enjoy the back and forth between writing and drawing, I think the shift between disciplines comes with a cost to efficiency. That's just the reality of things. There's a reason assembly lines out-produce workshops, the Switch Cost Effect is real.

This is a very YMMV statement, but I've always felt that there's something to be gained by jumping into different modes of engagement with a topic, even one as dumb as making wet animu wenches in fantasy bubble realities. I've always found that the sketching informs the writing, and the writing informs the art, back-and-forth, on-and-on until whatever creative nucleus started the process grows into a beautiful little baby artwork, or story, or something.

But IDK, as taxing as it is, I've always enjoyed developing the characters beyond just the images. I'm going to assume if you're signed up for this, then that's one of my creative quirks you appreciate… or at least tolerate.

But seriously, I've gotta get back to those Smash Beach pictures, where there's no typing, just the sun, the sand, and the… Samus. (Etc.)

An finally, no, I'm not skipping out this month and playing Tears of the Kingdom, ten hours a day. I'm letting my kid do that for me.


P.S. I'm not trying to say I'm some non-game-playing GigaChad. Look at what I'm doing with my life for god's sake. :) I'm just caught up in Elden Ring at the moment, putting about an hour in during most days. At that rate I'll be onto TotK at some point in 2026. Fortunately, I won't be out of the loop on the hottest gamer talk and theory crafting, as my family provides Zelda spoilers on a daily basis, and if not them, the Internet social-verse is pretty good at doing the same. HAHAHA! Thanks!



That's crazy to read about the lightning strike. Sounds like you got pretty lucky (in more ways than one). I'm glad you are ok though!


I got unlucky and then very lucky. My toes felt like over microwaved hotdogs. I thought I'd pull off my socks and find little split sausages inside with blackened tips. Fortunately, upon inspection the sexy toes were fine. Overall, would not recommend getting hit by lightning, even just a little. 0/10. I'm very thankful for not getting killed inside my house by a lightening strike. Needless to say, when the storms come, I now take off the wired headphones, wait on showers, and stay away from the windows. ;)


I like both your writing and art but if it's not manageable you got to do what's best for you! Also damn hit by lightning? And no superpowers? What a rip off.