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Sharing time.

Take a seat, I guess, since one is available. Working my way through the background and getting the color rough together. Since Samara's bod obscures 85% of the BG, I'm going to concentrate my remaining effort on firming up any areas that are actually visible in the final image. As satisfying as it'd be to render out that chair (and it would be), it won't add much to the picture with Samara's ass smooshed onto it.

It's shaping up to be pretty weird image with the liquid, bubbles, and amber tones. Definitely not the typical blue sky beach pinup.

While I was working out the BG, I blopped a SFW retouch overtop the color sketch. I think something like this should work with minimal redrawing.

Sadly, I'll be in cryostasis over the weekend, but I'm really looking forward to finishing up this BG and moving onto the main course.

My master plan for this month, involves wrapping up Samara, then finishing up something extremely dumb that I've got a sketch for...

Humor me, I think she'll be pretty cute.

Have a good weekend everyone. I imagine you'll all be playing Zelda or something. My copy comes tomorrow. I'll probably give it a go and try not to get addicted. Heh.

I'm currently replaying Fire Emblem: Three Houses, at a glacial pace. Doing the Golden Deer route on John Maddening mode. It's my second play through. First time I sided with El and her desire to upend the world. I have no regrets.

By for now,





Ah is she in like an Eva pod with breathable liquid or something? The BG looks really cool! Your sci-fi stuff was always interesting, like with your alien cowgirl Arleloo.


You pretty much got it. Since we're doing a plugsuit, we're going full alt fiction, not Eva, or Metroid, but inspired by both, plus some other influences. The setting for the picture is this roughly cylindrical sensory deprivation chamber called a vault. The diver enters it, it fills with fluid, and various pulses are sent through the medium altering the diver's consciousness. This decreases their self awareness and allows them to sync with and dive into other minds or mental constructs. It's experimental, used for research. Samara is one of several researchers who conducts dives. Unsurprisingly, this shit isn't exactly safe. It messes with the diver's head. Despite this, Samara doesn't stop. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she's addicted to the exhilarating bouquet of feelings that come from diving the soul. That said, she's also aware that this activity is breaking her mind: afflicting her with dissociative, dysmorphic mental conditions, fragmented kaleidoscopic memories, and an inability to know who she is without prompting and reflection. And yet, she hides this information, and keeps diving. Arleloo.. Dave, are you here? Paging @daveisanut from Twitter. I think we made a couple of dumb jokes on Twitter about bresticles back and forth, and I got creatively inspired. Pictures happened. I'm proud of her brazen design and how hot she looks because of, or despite that.