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Hello everyone,

Ecchi here with another update. As you know, this month we’re working on Sam…umm, Samara, a scientist and psychodiver who gets in over her head with her cognitive research, and ends up a bit altered in the process. A quick scroll-down will show that I’ve been having a lot of fun, perhaps too much fun, creating different concepts for her pin-upy illustration. And thus I have a problem: which idea to choose?

Would you like to see the thumbnails? Most of these images show Samara in her plugsuit-like psychodiver suit which she normally wears when diving into the minds or copied mental constructs of others. Though it’s not safe and can have serious psychological ramifications for the diver, the suit will be removed for the naughty version. So don’t worry about that. 😉

If you’re so inclined, take a look at these concepts and tell me which one (or ones) you prefer. What are your thoughts fellow thinkers?

Concept 1

Concept 3

Concept 4

Concept 5

Concept 8

Concept 9

Concept 15

Concept 16

Concept 18

Concept 10

Concept 13 - How I feel considering all the possibilities.

Concept 13b - But you know, it's all good. ;)


Fun 1

Fun 2

In an ideal world, I draw all of these to completion this month. In our world however, I think I can manage to do at least one.

Thanks for making this possible everyone. Let’s continue to have fun.





Concept 1 and 5 show some nice legs. 10 is great sexy one. All look amazing though.


I like the view from behind and expression of concept 15


I quite enjoy 1, 9, 16 myself


I like how she tends to look somewhere between pissed, annoyed, or simply disengaged in most of these. I find it a refreshingly cold.