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Orcus hated everything.
All of the people she had killed as her targets had a satisfying meal, a safe place to sleep, and a family with whom they could laugh heartily. She hated all of them for having those things that she wanted more than anything else. Since she was a little girl, she had been trembling with fear, not knowing if she would live safely tomorrow, unable to get a good night's sleep and running away. On the other side of her, they lived in warm happiness. The thought of it brought on a burning hatred and an urge to destroy it all.
But deep down, she knew the truth. Hating them meant nothing. They were not the ones who had killed her mother. The people who had killed her mother were gone. There was no one to hate, but only the intense hatred continued to grow. The hatred, which she could not bring to bear on anyone, tormented her.
Therefore, she continued to believe in her master and the organization. If she did not, there would be a contradiction between what she had hated, what she had done, and what she was going to do. They are the enemy of the organization, the enemy of her master, and they are evil. And she will continue to hunt them for the sake of her benefactor, her master, and for her own revenge.
She will create a lot of horror, pile up a lot of corpses, and destroy a lot of happiness, but it will all be for the organization, for her master, and for her own p◼︎eas◼︎r◼︎ revenge.


This scene is an important episode in which Bai Fang's characteristic facial scarring is present. At first glance, the wound on White Fang's face looks like a sword wound, but upon closer inspection, it is a claw mark wound.

The target was an executive of an organization, and the Rockettes sent Orcus (White Fang's alias at the time) as an assassin to carry out their plan to take over the organization.
On that day, the target was home with his family to celebrate his son's birthday. Using information from a spy already in the organization, the operation was executed at this time when security had been withdrawn.
Orcus was assigned the first suicide attack, creating a blade of wind with the Razor Wind, which instantly cut down the Mrs. who appeared at the front door. He then attempted to kill the indoor target and a witness at the scene, but was intercepted by the target's partner, Arcanine.

The target had been a trainer in the past, and his partner, Arcanine, was highly skilled, even though he had already retired from the battle.
However, Orcus, in his prime, is even better than that, and his long experience in actual battles means that he is not distracted by the intrusion of a strong opponent. Above all, no matter how good you are at Pokémon battles, tactics aimed at killing are something else entirely. Since the end result is to take a life, there is no hesitation in inflicting injuries that will leave serious aftereffects later.
It was clear who would ultimately win. But Arcanine continued to put up unimaginable resistance to protect his family. Whether he lost a leg or had his guts dragged from his stomach, Arcanine continued to rise to the occasion to eliminate the enemy before him.
Eventually, the target who had tried to save Arcanine attempted to take his place. Orcus quickly killed his target without a word and retreated, leaving Arcanine, who was already almost dead.

This was the beginning of a visible change in Orcus' behavior. Previously, Orcus had been strictly following the organization's orders. She was terrified of displeasing her masters and took supreme pleasure in being praised by them. It was all she had. She was no different from a living puppet.

However, she gradually came to enjoy the pleasure of killing by brutal means.
Orcus gradually began to kill more and more people besides the targets of his missions. Her bodyguards, witnesses to assassinations, and responding police officers. She deliberately acted conspicuously to attract prey, and the carnage continued until the very last minute when she was ordered to return home. Giovanni, fearing that Orcus was beginning to go even crazier than he had sought as an assassin and that she would eventually cause damage to the organization, planned to soon remove Orcus from the front lines and use her as a breeding stock.




More loooore! Amazing work also! Very gory and extremely sad..