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Silently, stealthily in the night, I drop an early access cut of the finale Unabridged episode!

I really hope folks enjoy it. Sorry it took so long, so many other things ended up taking priority this year and pushing back the release. I wonder a lot what may have happened if 2020 wasn't the year it was, but it is what it is. 

I hope that the episodes we got to make made some folks happy.

- Stephan


Rachel (Shiny Pichu)

the mr. fork bit was the absolute best 😂😂 thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this show.


I truly did enjoy Unabridged from the start, and a lot of the other live action stuff you all have done as well. Bittersweet to see the series officially (finally) end, but I appreciate all we did end up getting. Hopefully there's more of you all on camera in scripted settings like these in the future; the one-shot shorts like "Do It Yourself!" or "Scary Couch" don't get nearly enough love for how enoyable they are, and really show us a different flavor of fun distinct from the animated content and the reviews/commentary.