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Hey Dragons,

Quinn here, just wanting to keep you guys up to date on what's happening with the Commentary releases on here. I apologize for ep59 not getting over here for you guys in a timely manner. I was out of the country last month and passed over posting duties to Stephan, who unfortunately had a family emergency last week which prevented him from following through on getting the 59 commentary on here. We both sincerely apologize for dropping the ball on that.

Regarding Ep60, there will be a commentary episode for each part, but part 1 is still in the editing process, which is why it isn't already up here on Patreon. Our editor, Nies, has assured me that it should be ready tomorrow, and I will get it up on here as soon as I have a copy in front of me.

My apologies for the delay.



Did you guys forget again? It's been two days now


It is not a bit deal. Rather a fully baked vid than something thrown together. Please have patience

Geo Emperor

It’s the DBZA Tradition!! Happy holidays!