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A bunch of packages came from Amazon today full of audio gear so we can upgrade the sound on the gaming videos.  Here's Grant, Kirran, and Ben (that's me!) bullshitting for about fifteen a minutes to test it out.  I'm going to post a short clip of it on Twitter, but it goes some weird places, so only you guys get the full monty.  Enjoy!


Ryan Clark

As someone who's starting to get into recording, I gotta ask, what stuff did you get? I think it sounds great! I just got myself an xlr mic and a mixer.


A Behringer X1222 mixer and some Shure SM58 mics. --Ben

Ryan Clark

Nice! I just got a Q1202 and two of my friends and I each just got Audio Technica AT2005 mics to go with it. I'm not sure of the difference between the 2 mixers, but I'm told the Shure mics are top o' the line. We could really only afford the AT mics, but they still sound pretty good. Plus we're just starting out doing Let's Plays.


The X1222 has some extra bells and whistles, but for our purposes the big advantage is that it has six mic inputs instead of four. We don't often have more than four people on a stream, but it would suck to want to and not be able to because we didn't buy quite enough mixer.

Ryan Clark

Ah, cool! Yeah I can see a legitimate channel like you guys being better off with that. We've only ever had 3 people total at one time for a recording or a stream. But being new and self taught, before I got my mixer I quickly learned what an unholy nightmare syncing 3 different audio tracks can be. It was a very sound investment. Haha But thanks for taking the time to indulge in a conversation with me about my new equipment. This is the first time I've ever been able to discuss it with anyone and we don't have any measurable audience to converse with. My wife couldn't care less and nobody I know in real life even knows what a Let's Play or Twitch are. :D


If you ever get the money set aside for it, Shure's SM7B is an amazing mic for voice over. Right now my rig is a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 and an SM7B and I couldn't be happier with my sound. The only downside is that when I have other people over to do streams, the SM7B isn't the best room mic, and my Neumann TLM 103 is way too sensitive to be used as a room mic when streaming since it would pick up a lot of the game's audio as well. If I ever get the money set aside, I might splurge and get a couple more SM7B's to make streaming easier. I love being in a band and being the one with the room we record in. I get to use all the goodies as I see fit! lol


Do you guys use these mics for your voice-over work for DBZA? If not, what do you guys use? I'm really curious now lol


We sublet our sound booth to Amber Lee Connors and Sound Cadence Studios, so we use whatever she puts in front of us. (-: --Ben


The SM7B comes highly recommended, but multiplying that price tag by 6 mics (which is how many SM58s we bought) made it seem sort of like overkill for the moment. Maybe someday!


SM58s are a great mic for the price, for sure. The only reason I'm lucky enough to have that SM7B is because my band uses it for growled vocals on our albums haha