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Hey dragons!

In October of 2021, Stephan led the production of a short film we wanted to try and shop around to local film festivals. Now, after premiering at the Lone Star Film Festival, we wanted to share it with all of you as soon as possible!



The Death Audit

In a world where bureaucracy stands between life or death, an elderly woman undergoes an audit to decide whether she's allowed to die.



I fucking love this kind of black humor! This is so good, congrats on the awesome project Stephan!


Very fun, liked it a lot!


It's like a short, wholesome version of a Black Mirror episode. Loved it.


Thank you so much for this, I love seeing all of the content yall make


As a music educator, I found the banter about teaching children to be hilarious!


Not bad. My one critique would be the bit about Ms. Alderman being a music teacher and Harold knowing the truth. I imagine there was going to be a slight scene shift to her raising a prodigy in a large concert. But when Harold said that the arts were low on the priority list, it made that scene a bit null and void in my opinion. From the hints of the scene with the piano student, she seems to be a good teacher. Harold and Ms. Alderman did a great job of staying in character the entire time. I thought the lemon squares bit was funny, to try and think that death auditors know some things about the world, but not everything. Like when he asks why they are made. I hope you guys are still able to make projects like this, and I hope it hits well at the film festival. There's not many comedies in theaters anymore that aren't lazily written and just filled with cameo celebrities.

Geo Emperor

Grant is so Handsome with a Glorious Mustache!! Stephan is a wonderful director, I have been very impressed by his work on these short films.


It was fun and funny short; really well shot, Were the ducks digital?


Excellent short story with great dark humor


They were, but don't tell anybody it's a secret - Stephan


Aw cool; they so well done I wasn't sure if they were or not

Ernst Laemmert

This was great! Like any good story story, it leaves me with so many questions I want answered!