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Hey Dragons!

Now that we're looking at the home stretch to finish out the year, we wanted to come back to you all with another Q&A session! Anyone can post their burning questions in the comments below

Apologies to the people that posted questions here but didn't get featured in the last Q&A, I messed up the collection last time thanks to how Patreon loads older comments. I have a different system and will endeavor that everyone gets a chance to put a question forward.




Will you guys have guests for the DBZA Commentaries?


Did you have anyone in mind to play Buu?


Diesel Dust when?


Another question: I've already heard the story of TFS's initial formation, but I've never really heard how the later team members like Kirran, Grant, Stephan, and Quinn joined the fold. What's their story?


Any plans for more group streams, more grant and kirran content like quality and the new year’s special? I have also really been missing the TFS at The Table streams where you played different games like joking hazard, trial by trolley, etc.


Hey guys, just wanted to say as a long time fan and new patron,I love allthe content you've been putting out for us. My only real question is, are we gonna get anymore of TFS on the couch gaming? I loved Sekiro, KH3 and so many others. It would be great to see you guys together again.


Power Rangers/Super Sentai teams have been based on lots of different themes; prehistoric animals/dinosaurs, ninjas, samurai, space police, pirates, angels, cars, you name it. If you had to make a new team around a theme that hasn't been done before, what would you choose?


I just wanna know, why use the same bird sounds in the background instead of using different ones?


If you were to voice any character in an actual anime/animated show, who would it be?


If there was a Zombie apocalypse, what roles would y’all give each other, also who’d last the shortest?