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Hey fellows! Sorry for the long time between streams. I've honestly been really dedicated to getting work done as of late; I should've given you guys a better update. That's my fault. But in our next editing stream, we'll be going over a bunch of details about DBZA 54 and some details about the upcoming DBZA 55 which is already in production.

Expect a link the day of! Thanks for your patience!

-Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs



Don't apologize, Kaiser. I hope you had a great time on your honeymoon. You and HusbandNeko deserved it. Ep 54 was AMAZING. Totally worth the wait. We love TFS, and all that you do. Keep up the amazing work. PS: I'll take any and all bets for the #CellGames. Zeni only please. USD will not be accepted.


Come on man this summer has been full of cons and you got to enjoy a vacation for the first time in...ever? You fine working on an episode as long as it's needed. We will save the pitchforks and burning torches for the next unwarranted takedown of your work.


Looking forward to it Kaiser. Hope the honeymoon was fantastic!!


Where is the link?


I think Kaiser may have forgotten about us.