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Hey Dragons!

One of the things we've been developing behind the scenes is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game created by our very own Lanipator!

Inspired by the "Powered by the Apocalypse" system, Ready to Role is a game Lani has been working on since late 2019. After several iterations and multiple playtests (shown off on both TFS Gaming and on his own personal channel), Lani has released a Beta version so we can collect greater feedback on the game!

You can access v1.0 of the Beta here: http://bit.ly/ReadytoRole

Feel free to take this and give it a thorough stress-testing. We'd really appreciate it if you guys shared any thoughts you have on how to perfect the game.


Patrick Miller

This is the one that includes +Strange, correct?


It is i Spectrefall99, and I’m happy this is finally out I can’t wait to try it out someday

Florian Krause

I send some thoughts on the rules, since I probaly wont be able to play it myself. I have Pen&Paper experience, so I tried to compare it. 2 things are always very important to me. How much can a PC actually do (which seems a lot in this system) and can the character grow more powerful. I am not a big fan of oneshots, so would be cool to see what you guys will do with it. looking forward to a more specified magic system. I already like what you did with telepath and telekenesis.


Thanks so much for this Lani, I've been trying my hand a bit at GM'ing, and this really helps me establish a fun world for my players


Hey you! Ya you looking at the comments. I made a google doc for everyone to share any homebrew content they made for Ready to Roll. Feel free to contribute to it :D https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E8JYTP9hPmRFD5S0L6dzn9gHqBt8nHc2XZPz_JPNdq0/edit?usp=sharing


I've been very excited to play this system, I do wonder though, how would this system handle something like mecha combat?


I know pen and paper works just fine, but has anyone made character sheets for this system yet?


Wonder if they have any plans on releasing a sheet for roll20, would love to test out this system!


I recently downloaded the PDF, and the only gripe I have is that it could need a character sheet HTML file added on to it, to make it easier to code character sheets onto Roll20, or Foundry.