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Hey Dragons!

We wanted to thank you guys again for your patience, as we know these past couple of months have been light on content. As always, we appreciate your support. Rest assured, we've got a lot in store for December, with not only the finale of Final Fantasy 7 Machinabridged but also a new DBcember countdown (Top 12 Transformations)!

In the meantime, we wanted to show you guys something we tinkered with during our days in quarantine: the Perfect Pitch. In it, members of TFS would have gotten together and discussed their ideas for rebooting/reimagining popular franchises. The video above is our pilot for the concept, featuring Superman.

Ultimately, like a few other ideas we explored during our quarantine, we decided against moving forward with this show. However, since the pilot was already complete, we wanted to share it with you!


The Perfect Pitch Pilot


Geo Emperor

I love this concept, it is fascinating to hear each of your “Perfect Pitch” ideas on pop culture media!!! I actually got to ask questions about this topic at a panel at AWA a few years ago, so glad to see this kind of thought provoking content still going strong after all these years! Hope you all have a wonderful DBcember, you will have my love and support ALWAYS!!!


Ahhh, I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw this in my inbox, but I think I can see where the inspiration for this came from and possibly also why it was cancelled. Still, thanks for sharing!


When I first read the title, I was wondering if you had reached the Second Heightening. Interesting to hear your takes.


I'm definitely exited to see the final to Machinabridged and the next DBcember! I hope everyone is doing well and safe!


Interesting idea. I think it could have worked as a show with some structure to guide the conversation.


Interesting; although, I notice that this seems to skip over the actual "pitches". Were they never actually filmed?