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Hello, all you wonderful Patrons. It took us some months of searching and deliberating, but we've finally acquired the official TeamFourStar studio! And what better way to break it in than with a... birthday party?

As a way to warm our new studio in the cold winter months, we packed it full of bodies, food, and the right amount of booze in honor of Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerich's 29th birthday party. (Almost 30? Sure we shouldn't be investing in a retirement home?)

This is surreal for us, honestly. A real, honest to dog physical location for us to work. Some of our out-of-country compatriots are even considering making their way down here to work with us closer to home. Our work stations are currently being assembled and we're investing in a whisper room as we speak, but we wanted to share these memories with you. This is a celebration not just of our accomplishments, but of our fans.

Expect an episode preview of Episode 52 this week, as well as an editing stream from Kaiser, the Hellsing Ultimate scripts, more updates on the studio, and some special secret stuff we're currently cooking up!

Love, from the TFS crew, to all of you beautiful people at home.

Thanks to Tyler Koy and Chelsea Corbin for the photography.






Congrats when can we expect Final Fantasy VII season 2?


You guys rock can't wait to see where this takes you!

Paul Grodt

Hey guys, I know you're busy, but I wanted to say, I feel like when you make a major video, such as "TEAMFOURSTAR AND YOUTUBE: Where's the Fair Use? " You should post it to Patreon as well. We are, after all, effectively stakeholders in your endeavor. Keep up the great work, and keep on fighting the good fight!


That is so AWESOME


Epic I only know you guys from the hilarious Team Fourstar iRiff of 'Dragonball: Evolutio'n, the. live action, "movie" but it's the vollom spore toxin sublimated to digital 1 & 0s beamed via laser light into ya eyeballs... (the deadliest spore strain of Anthrax developed by us in WWII, was the vollom spore cake laced "Cow Pies" planned to drop them on Germanies major agricultural centers) far deadlier than the anthrax spore strain used in the mailing incident, ours was actually never used. But still we kept them in storage for a year (where? who? Why? fantastic idea; what a sorta "just incase we need em" like the crap junk drawer scenario - what? Lmao) for a whole year b4 destroying them - cowshit & anthrax. Great idea put it out back next to the K Rations lol


Any plan for more iRiffs in the future? Either way it's all hilarious great job.


Kick ass, congrats BTW


congrats TFS.


Congratulations tfs on getting your studio and can't wait to see the rest of the projects you have install


Can yous check us out please and help us we are new to patreon


Great job