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Hey there, folks! Ant here with some amazing news! Episode 1 of Final Fantasy: VII Machinabriged has reached 1 million views!

Word can not express how much this not only means to me, but to all of us. We set out on making something new, something different, and though it was a little bumpy at first, we knew that this would be something magical, and it's with the continued love and support from people like you that made it possible.

So from the bottom of our hearts here at the FF7MA crew, we just want to say, thank you!


Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged (FF7:MA) - Ep. 1 - TeamFourStar

In the premier episode, Cloud teams up with Barret and the rest of Avalanche to take on one of the many factories owned by the evil Shinra Corporation. But does Cloud know what he's getting himself into? Find out on FF7MA!



You all totally deserve it, FF7MA is amazing and totally deserves the views!


That is great news. I'm really glad you're all seeing such success. Congratulations!


Congrats! I remember back when the first two episodes gave me a mixed reaction. Eight episodes in, it go so much better.


I can't wait to see what season 2 brings.


Season 2... What is this "season 2"? Is it something that I can eat? Can I have it soon? I have so many questions.