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Hey everyone!

Sorry if you felt we've been keeping you in the dark on how the search for our office space was going. Totally not intentional, just been busy as hell!

I just wanted to give everyone an update to let you know that we have been touring a few spaces and we feel like we're coming close to finding the one we can call home.

Our goal is to have everything taken care of and to be all moved in by the end of December.

There is going to be a lot going on between now and then so the next time I make a post like this will be to let you all know when we have finally chosen where we'll be setting up shop!

Thank you all for your generosity these past few months, none of this would be possible without each and every one of you.

We love you guys!

- Nick "Lanipator" Landis



Can't wait to read more about it soon!


Congrats on nearly finding your new office space, just wondering whats happening with dbza i heard you were getting copyrighted or something so you had to stop doing it is that true?


Congrats on almost having your creative space! Happy for all y'all!


Hope you find a great studio.


So how many of TFS do you think will end up in or near the studio?


I hope you guys will share some pictures when the look out is located. I hope you will find one with a hyperbolic time chamber (i.e. a bar). Congratulations.


living where you work can be great and terrible at the same time so be careful with your choices! so glad you guys are getting all this support, you deserve it!