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Hey Dragons!

We've got a special week planned for you all, as we're leading up to our first Showcase Stream!

*blows kazoo*

On Friday, March 13th, at 6PM CDT, we'll sit down on www.twitch.tv/streamfourstar and show you guys everything we have lined up for March and April. Some of it is stuff you've seen before, but the rest will be an entirely new reveal!

On the road to Friday, we'll be giving you Dragons some early access previews to what we have going on here. 

First up: the animatic for the newest Dragonshort! We use these as storyboards for our animators to base their animation on, and they give a good idea as to what the final product will look like. As you may see from the content of the video, we were hoping to have this out in time for Valentine's Day, but sadly we weren't able to rush production fast enough. 

Enjoy, and look forward to more previews as the week continues!


Android Date-Teen Preview Animatic



That waiter was hitting on 18, wasn’t he?


Looking forward to seeing this short!!


Oh yeah. If Krillin doesn’t do it, 18 will tear his balls off


Nerf in a hand basket this is awesome


Can understand the "methods of your madness," similar to "military intelligence" on why you guys are more doing this. Reasons that the media doesn't understand. Glad that I have experienced what I have. Been and still don't care for DBZ or the like. Akira T. maybe legendary with his style alone, but I'm more old-school. Just really glad that I can help more now. Do I score any points in knowing that Android-18 could rip off the waiters arm to beat him with by whimsical thought's alone?


Video refuses to play after 18 seconds

Audio Dragon

Dang can't wait for the full version.


I absolutely adore the by-play between the two. the writing is incredible, but really the MVP here is the voice actress for 18, she sounds so natural and genuinely smitten with Krillen!


God I love the writing in this. Can't wait for the finished version!


This was absolutely adorable. Can't wait to see the finished product.


Ok, yes more of this please


That was amazing! These two are so adorable together. Can't wait for the full episode.


Words cannot describe how much I enjoy their dynamic here and how natural and flowing their dialogue. Like it's funny and smooth and yet not overpolished to where it feels unnatural or scripted. It feels like a genuine dialogue between two people who are simply enjoying learning more about the other. Krillen and Android 18's personalities are so readily apparent as well without feeling shoed in. I won't lie, I was thought at the beginning that it'd be the usual rom-com setup with the jokes being derived from Krillen acting overly awkward or trying to boast to 18 and of course that having the opposite effect, but I should have known better. Just as in the show Krillen is an astonishingly humble guy and more than willing to laugh and acknowledge his own past fuck ups (Example, I thought he was gonna try and hide or retell his relationship with Marin before to make himself look better, but instead he just tells it for what it was and acknowledges that he got "screwed") and you can tell that he's not nervous because he thinks he's got 18 in the bag or something, but that he's just too happy about the fact he gets to spend more time with her to really think about that kinda stuff. His lack of ulterior motive is so damn endearing. What I find interesting as well is that if anything it's 18 that's a bit more self-conscious in their repertoire, admitting that it's her first time doing this and being afraid that she might've overshared, and all these natural worries that anyone encounters when in a new relationship. Just kind of treading the ice, seeing where you stand exactly with the other, and it's Krillen's just completely genuine personality that quickly breaks the ice between the two of them to where she feels she can act more herself and naturally to where she even makes a short joke about Krillen that they can both laugh together about! God it's just so sweet and wonderful and most of all real. Anyways, there's like a thousand more things I could talk about that makes me love everything about this, right down to the animatic panels themselves, but I've already been droning on lol. I'll just say, humongous regards to the writers and actors on this one, just from this segment I can tell you've hit it out of the park.