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Hey Dragons,

We've been talking about this project for quite some time, but now we can finally confirm a release date for our live-action series! It's less than a month away!

We will publicly show off the Unabridged pilot that we've had on here for +$5 dragons on March 21st. At that same time, Silver Dragons and above will get access to the episode two: Unmistaken Hostage!

In the meantime, check out this never-before-seen of footage of when Scott finds out what Nick has been up to...





So excited for the full episode to come out


Hell yeah! I’m already loving this series!


This is going to be hilarious and we will quote everything you say! I love this and can’t wait to see more, I am crying from laughing so hard.




Oh yeah. I saw the first episode and I like how the new guy forms complex relationships with the OG members. Appreciate the original material guys and I hope to see where you go!


This looks really good, can't wait for the 21st!


Dam the crappy net service here at the center! Near the Texas border, but hope you'll understand how I'll post how Texas SUXS!!! Granted, professionally speaking. We only have a basketball team. College is your various universities. OU sooners and anybody else. Team divided? Crybabies, but really? Understand sports enough, but there's reasons on why your top ranked sporting events likely add hours to a game with all the penalties. Re-watching to ensure proper game referee calling. Stuff! Rambling?


Finally watched more then just the beginning. Money woes!?! Again, I understand. It's how I have "classic godlike power.! Live in at tiny living space!!! Goku's still an ASSHOLE if he was really existence. Maybe if you try hard enough. You go SAIYUN!!!

Weiss Belladonna

Lani in this video is just my entire Mood. Can’t wait for 21st!


Based solely on the trailer, I've gotta say I'm a bit concerned. I hope I'm wrong, but this show looks terrible. I'll definitely give it a chance when it comes out, not excited for it at all though