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Hey Patrons!

Antfish and Taka here with something important to talk about. Back in the early summer of 2014, Taka came up with the idea of FF7 Machinabridged. The project was met with significant challenges from the beginning, and at times didn't seem possible to create with our current setups. Thankfully, all of you fans and patrons believed in and supported us. Without your support, we would not have been able to bring on MasakoX as the full-time editor, Ain_Tunez as the music composer and audio engineer, and Antfish as co-writer/director/producer/project manager. If it wasn’t for you guys, we would not have been able to get this project made.

For those of you asking about how the scheduling will work, and how long the season is: there will be a new episode every two weeks! The episodes will release first on our site, then next week on our YouTube channel! On September 3rd, we will be releasing both Episode 1 and 2 on our site, as well as Episode 1 on YouTube! As for how long this series will be: the first season is planned for 10 episodes.

Once again, from all of us here in the FF7MA crew -- thank you. This is Patreon.


Taka came up with that phrase, and regretted immediately.



This made my day, thanks guys


Bi weekly? They're completed and you're releasing them biweekly? That kind of blows.


Welcome to how the vast majority of television shows and other serials work. In fact, Tabletop releases on this exact same schedule. Would you rather they release all of them at once so you can binge-watch them in a single day and bitch about the wait for season 2?


I'm so excited to see how this project turned out that I marked the release on my calendar.


I actually would prefer to watch them all at once. I do not complain about the release of later seasons. I just occupy my time by watching other things while waiting for new content. This way it would not matter if i got them all at once or multiple releases over time because i already split my attention. I did state my preferance though.


Nice to know there are more series you guys are working on thanks to viewers and Patreon contributors all around ^^ glad to be a part of this