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Hey Dragons,

We hope you all enjoyed the Q&A video, and that it helped to show the gratitude the team has for all of your generosity. We've said it before, but it'll never stop being true: We owe all of this to your support.

Which is why we wanted to ask you all an important question!

Y'see, you guys asked some pretty pertinent questions! Questions that we know a lot in our community have had on their minds. After producing the Q&A video, we began to wonder if we could share the answers in the video with the fanbase as a whole. However, we recognize that the video is supposed to be a tribute to you guys, the Patrons.

So, we'd thought the most fair thing to do is ask what you guys think about it. 

Please let us know below, and be frank about how you feel about us sharing the video with the whole community. We appreciate what you guys have done and don't want to betray the faith you've place in us with your pledges.



I don't believe in gate keeping of information, let it free to the public.


I support you because I enjoy the content you create. Whether or not there is exclusive stuff won't change that. For a good middle road I would suggest during the content with patreons first and publicly later


I'm plenty satisfied with the privilege of being able to ask the questions (even though I didn't this time around). If you want to use the resulting video inform the fans, then by all means, let the fans be informed :)


Yeah, let it out. I still see people expecting you to fire up the Buu saga any day now and it'd be good to explain it's time to change up the formula after 11 years. Thank you so much for all your hard work and the pleasure it has brought.


As long as you don’t *add* any content, like an extended dance break, I’m all for it.


using patreon as a "early release" rather than a "gatekeeping" function seems most reasonable, but i do not know how that affects incentive for new patreon subscribers

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

We got to ASK the questions, if anything this video could be used to entice others to hop on and show what a wacky funtime bunch of patrons we are. Let the video be released!


I am all for y'all releasin' the Q&A ta the public. There are several answers detailin' the future of the group that people really ought ta know sooner than later.


Releasing content to more people is never a bad thing, especially for something like this pertaining to the future of TFS and yourselves. The more content like this you make for everyone the more people will be involved with the amazing community you have created.


One of the podcasts I listen to decided to release Patreon content 6 months later, which I think makes for a nice balance between incentivizing new Patrons and recognizing that not everyone can (or wants to) give

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 00:28:05 Well, it looks like the consensus is pretty decisive! :D And I agree that it would be a waste to permanently restrict this Q&A only to patrons. But I still appreciate that you guys made sure to ask our approval first.
2019-11-22 19:52:15 Well, it looks like the consensus is pretty decisive! :D And I agree that it would be a waste to permanently restrict this Q&A only to patrons. But I still appreciate that you guys made sure to ask our approval first.

Well, it looks like the consensus is pretty decisive! :D And I agree that it would be a waste to permanently restrict this Q&A only to patrons. But I still appreciate that you guys made sure to ask our approval first.

Ronin Davis

I'm sure there is no bias in me expressing my desire for the video in question to be distributed to the public for easy reference link to the people who only pay attention to the dying platform YouTube. Then promptly ignored and continued to ask or make outlandish claims or suggestions that define fact or business sense. Yep, no driving motive here, let it be public. Hehehe...….