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Hey guys!

It’s an understatement to say that you guys have been nothing short of amazing these last few years.

With your support, we’ve opened a whole studio where we’ve begun production on so many new projects, brought on wonderfully talented people, and have made a future for ourselves and our ideas. We’ve been able to experiment, grow, and develop as artists, and cannot wait to continue as more and more of our new projects come to fruition.

But, admittedly, in our mission to make our content a reality, the Patreon has not been everything we want it to be.

Let’s change that.

Starting with the early premiere of our new Unabridged series, and sneak peeks at the new projects we’re planning to bring later this year and into 2020, we’re hoping to make this page a place worthy of the love and support you guys have shown us.

To that end, we’re renovating! Over the next few weeks and months, you can expect some big changes to the Patreon, top to bottom. One of the biggest being an update to the Reward Tiers.

Starting September 1st, 2019, after the September payments have been processed, our Reward Tiers will look like this:


  • Receive sneak peeks and announcements of upcoming content before anyone else!
  • Access to our “Patrons-Only” channel on our Discord!


  • Early access to full content before it’s released to the public, like future episodes of Unabridged and pilots for upcoming shows!
  • Scripts to our material after it goes live!


  • Access to deleted scenes and other B-Roll footage that didn’t make it to our videos’ final form!
  • Access to special streams with members of the Team!


  • Receive a 10% discount to our Shark Robot merch!
  • Receive special commodity items that we develop for our projects!
  • Vote in polls to help determine future content!
  • Submit minor characters or roles to be featured in our content, like Non-Player Characters for TFS at the Table!

Some of you might have some questions (and concerns) about these new Reward Tiers:

Why is the new minimum tier $2?

- Unfortunately? Math. Patreon takes a cut of every pledge to keep this awesome site running, but the cut takes a relatively large amount of the $1 pledges. We want patrons to know that their money is supporting us, as you guys intended, but that does mean increasing the minimum threshold for rewards. However, all current Bronze Dragon patrons will be able to enjoy Bronze Dragon rewards without having to increase their pledge! 

After we revamp the reward tiers, the current Bronze Dragon tier will be made inactive, meaning all currently active Bronze Dragon patrons will still receive the benefits promised, but all new or returning patrons will need to pledge at least $2 to obtain Bronze Dragon rewards. We greatly appreciate those that can increase their pledge, but don’t want anyone to feel obligated to pledge more than they can afford.

What happened to the Diamond Dragon level? Are you no longer going to feature patrons in your credits?

- We intend to continue naming our greatest supporters in our productions, because none of this would be happening without your support. However, we want to acknowledge other people who have supported us for a long time, but may have not been able to afford $50 a month to pledge their support.

To that end, being credited in our videos is no longer a specific reward tier, but our gift to all patrons that actively support us for more than $25 a month, or have given more than $1000 over the life of their pledge. That way, we can recognize all the patrons that have given us so much.

Where’s the Holiday Card Tier?

- Everyone who gave to the Holiday Card Tier this year before September 1st will still receive its benefits. However, for logistical reasons, we are discontinuing this tier in 2020. However, we are looking into similar rewards in the future!

If anyone has any more questions, please feel free to inquire here! We’ll make sure to keep an eye out and respond to anything we can.



So are all the diamond dragons going to be downgraded automatically or do we have to switch after the September payment?


We can't move patrons to different reward tiers on our end unilaterally. Our plan is to treat the Diamond tier like the current Bronze tier. It will be made inactive when we revise the tiers on September 1st, but all the people currently in the tier will stay in the system and receive all the rewards they were receiving before the renovation.


Oh. Well, that's one way to get me to go from $5 a month to $10. B-roll and deleted scenes are my jam! Will that also have the ep breakdown stuff too?


The breakdown streams will be available to only Gold Dragons and above, but breakdown videos will continue to be made public at a later date like we've done in the past.


Can I just keep giving you the 50? I don't really care about the reward stuff I just love y'alls vids and want to keep supporting y'all but I do hope to get a Christmas card this year last year I didn't get one because I was an otr driver so I was never home


You may! And we appreciate the love. As for the Christmas card, you should be eligible!


I’m so glad I have been able to watch you guys build up the TFS brand over the past 6 years I have been here and make your dreams a reality! I am sad to see the Christmas cards go, it is a highlight of the year for me, but I know you will have wonderful content to show in its stead. I’m loving Unabridged so far and hope to see more of what you guys really want to work on in the future. I can tell you put so much love and effort into all of your projects. I will still support you guys with all of my love and anything I can spare to help in a small way to further your dreams, because you guys deserve it!!!