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Hey everyone! Takahata101 here. Sorry I’ve been absent from a lot of the gaming shows lately, but I’ve been hard at work with a new division in TeamFourStar! There have been many changes here at TFS and I’ll clue you in on one of the bigger ones. Last summer, I had an idea for a Final Fantasy VII Abridged, or “Machinabridged,” project. I had a few members in mind and we put together a quick teaser to gauge interest. The guys liked it, agreed to greenlight it, and the next thing I knew I was spearheading a new series! I’d love to give you guys a bit more info on just what that series entails! I am the writer and producer for the majority of the project. I brought on Antfish as a co-writer and project manager. MasakoX is the main editor of the project, and TFS musical producer AinSophAur is remixing the original Uematsu tracks for the series. As for the cast, we’ll reveal that later as we draw closer to the release date. As for the big reveal I promised on twitter, I am happy to announce that the entire first season has already been written! We have an entire ten episodes already completely scripted and we are shooting to release the series on a dedicated schedule in the fall of this year. This is the first time we have ever attempted to produce an entire batch of episodes before release! I’d like to thank you all very much for your continued support and belief in us as a team as we continue to expand. Without you guys we couldn’t have gotten this off the ground, so thank you, and look forward to the show!! [#TifaBestGirl? #AerithBestGirl?]







#CloudBestGirl #duh


That's great news! I'm looking forward to it! #TifaBestGirl


#BarrettBestGirl PS: in the original game, you can develop a "close relationship" with Tifa, Aerith or Barrett. Yes, Barrett :P


#YuffieBestGirl /jk /jk #TifaBestGirl I would love to be a part of this project other than just supporting on Patreon. FFVII and FFVIII were a huge part of my childhood growing up as I'd watch my brother playing them. Both of those games had an integral part on who I have become. I know that you don't usually look for people who are asking to be a part of your projects, but please. It would mean so much to even be a small, miniscule part in this series. Whether as a random Shinra SOLDIER or even as a background voice that will never say anything more than "rhubarb" please, please let me help with this. Whatever you choose to do, though, I wish you the most success anyone can on this endeavor. Good luck, Taka, Antfish, Masako, and AinSophAur! #NanakiMostAdorableCharacter


#TifaBestGirl - If nothing else she is the main character for part of the game... This is going to be so awesome TFS+FF7 can only equal quality entertainment. Ignoring that, since at E3 Sony/S-E made such a big thing about the remake, have you guys checked with them to make sure there aren't going to be any legal issues? I know the fair use laws on machinama are a little more lax than the anime parodies, but it would suck if this turned in to another Abridged on Titan.


#YuffieBestGirl And now, I wait.


Abridgimon RIP


I wonder how the hell they are gonna do it, like play through the game or what?


I saw the preview at Anime Midwest and it looks awesome!


inb4 Ghost Aerith. Which I would actually be okay with.