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We're over halfway to 10k!? Holy hell guys this is insanely overwhelming. Thank you all so much. Sorry we haven't gotten a lot on here yet, we are currently tracking down all of the things we need to post the rewards. Hopefully we'll have as many of the scripts as we can find ready for you who pledged $10+ by the end of this weekend! Also Kaiser's first stream should be scheduled shortly for those who pledged $5+ after we figure out the logistics of all of it. Expect that within the next week! Thank you all again! We love you guys!



Will the streams be recorded just in case we can't watch right then? I'd like to get some more tips with editing.


I think most just want it to keep going. Rewards are great, and we will all appreciate it, but I think most of us are giving money just out of respect for what you guys have done. We all just want to pitch in and help where we can.


absolutely bang on, can't afford to donate huge amounts however I do want to give back to a team of talented people who give so much for free, which is also awesome content even if it's not a lot, but it helps