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Hey, Kaiser here!

I've been wanting to do an Episode Breakdown for 60 since it was first scripted, but I wanted to make it a little easier and quicker to produce.

I've also been wanting to do another Editing stream with you guys, as it's been a hot minute since we last had the chance.

So what better way than with an unlisted YouTube stream, and what better time than Monday, September 17th at 6PM Central?

We try not to put DBZA stuff behind the Patreon paywall, which is why it WILL be posted on the main YouTube channel the day after. But only Patrons will get the link to the unlisted stream so you can see it live, ask questions, etc.

I'm excited to share the process with you! I'll see you Monday!



I agree with the paywall strategy. Everyone gets access, but Patreons get a bit more benefits


This is so cool. Thanks for doing this, Scott!


*cries in European* Thank you very much for posting it the day after! Can't wait to watch it! (and I agree, it is fair this way)


Yay 🎉


*does timezone math* 1am. Tuesday morning. I guess I'll have to catch it on YouTube! XD


Yo, I donated 7 bucks to patreon because I think that's how much a beer costs. Enjoy it Kaiser