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Hey guys!  We're entering our third week of Anime FMK and something like our 7th or 8th of TFS at the Table Plays D&D.  These are two shows that wouldn't be possible without your support, and as thanks, I thought I'd make use of Patreon's private RSS feed feature to bring them to you in podcast form so that those who prefer to can listen to them in the car or at the gym.  The video versions will still be coming out on YouTube for everyone to watch, but this way those of you who have helped us get this far will have one more option.

To use the new RSS feed, just copy the link from the top-right of the Patreon page and paste it into iTunes, Pocketcasts, or the podcatcher software of your choice.

We're going to be starting off with Anime FMK and, if that works out and there seems to be a demand, adding D&D a little later.  I'll be uploading the audio from weeks 1-3 of both the main show and Unsnipped, the Pokemon review, and the upcoming Your Name review over the next couple days, after which the podcast version will go up on the same day as the YouTube version.

By the way, one of the most common perks that we hear our Patrons requesting is a video tour of the new office, similar to the one I made for the old office about a year ago.  I'd been planning to wait until the new office was a little more presentable, but at the current rate of progress that will happen approximately never, so I'll be doing one of those in the near future as well.

As always, thank you all so much for your support!

--Ben "hbi2k" Creighton


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