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Those of you who are in the $5+ tier and who have already linked your Patreon and Discord accounts may have noticed that you've been added to the new official Team Four Star Discord server!  Those who haven't, you can find instructions on how to join here:  https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266

We're going to be opening it up to the public in about a week, but we're soft-launching it for $5+ Patrons only to give the mods a chance to test everything out with a slightly smaller group.

Even after it's made public, patrons' usernames will show up in orange so you can show off your support of the team, and you'll have access to a special Patrons-only channel where you can chat amongst yourselves, apart from the unwashed masses!

Speaking of the mods, they're mostly the mods from our Twitch channel, who have already been using Discord to organize thing among themselves and represent quite possibly our biggest success story in community-building among our fanbase.  This wouldn't be possible without them, and we're super grateful to have them aboard!



How do I get my Discord Rewards?

What is Discord? Discord is an all-in-one voice and text chat that creators on Patreon can use to help connect their patrons.You can learn more about Discord by visiting their website directly her...


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