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Hey there folks!

Sorry it's been so quiet around here as of late. It's been a hectic time here at the Team Four Star studios, for a lotta reasons!

Your loving, gracious, and adorable editor-in-chief Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs (who I hear is so good in bed, the bed bugs have orgasms) has been recently headlining a brand new channel for TeamFourStar: 

Four Star Bento!

A couple of folks over on the Reddit caught on pretty quickly, as we refurbished an old channel of ours to be a brand new channel for you all to follow!

Four Star Bento is will dedicated to bringing you anime-centric content.

One of our first new series,

What's the FMK stand for? 

"F**k, Marry, Kill!"

Benjamin "hbi2k" Creighton, Kirran "Lordmoonstone" Somerlade, and Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs (who I hear is so handsome, mirrors thank him for using them) will be sitting down with the Fall Anime Season and reviewing 10 shows, picked by YOU, OUR FANS! Each week, we'll decide whether or not we'll "F**k" the show, or "Kill" the show! And at the very end, we have to choose which series we decide to "Marry"! We're really excited about this, and it'll be the headlining show of Four Star Bento!

But what else? Well, there's also:

Join KaiserNeko (who I hear is so cool, Frosty uses him as an ice pack) and GaijinGoombah as they traverse Japanese culture, exploring its unique culture through the lens of everyone's favorite medium, anime!

Unless you're sophisticated and prefer live prenatal theater, like us.

That not your speed? Well, we've also got:

Once again, join Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs (who I hear is so kind, he donated his testicles to the needy [but they grew back due to his unyielding virility]) as he explores the adaptation of anime to the west! GoLion -> Voltron, Samurai Troopers -> Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon -> ... also Sailor Moon but with incestuous cousins! Learn what they changed, why they changed it, and learn something about yourself in the process!*

That's not all! ... But it is all for now. Hopefully, we plan to launch this channel proper at the end of October! It's all thanks to the support of Patrons like you that we're able to provide you with new, fresh content, and we can't wait to bombard you with it!

Oh, and don't worry. We see the elephant in the room. Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs (who I hear isn't the son of God, but gets mistaken for him in plenty of bars and restaurants) has been sinking a lot of time into these projects. Meanwhile, DragonBall Z Abridged has been on hiatus.

Coincidence!? I THINK NOT.

Because it isn't. I've been absolutely swamped with this new channel. But that doesn't mean DBZA will continue to be on hiatus for long. Once things are up and running, I'll be able to focus my efforts back onto DBZA. But in the meantime, it's important that we use our time, money, and efforts to start new projects to help TeamFourStar grow. 

Because the truth is: DBZA will have to end someday. If we aren't prepared for it, everything we've built will crumble.

Thank you for your patience and your continued financial and social support. You guys *specifically* are helping us grow and flourish. I can't wait to bring this channel to life with you all.

*Disclaimer: Any facts, revelations, or implanted memories about yourself related to TeamFourStar's Saturday Morning Sushi are copyright TFS Entertainment LLC.



So work won't resume on DBZA until around October? Looking forward to this new content as I am a fan of everything you guys do, but I won't say I'm not incredibly disappointed that DBZA is being left out in the cold for so long.


I'm honestly really glad that you guys are expanding and trying all this new stuff. It might not be everyone's scene, but I prefer that a creative team branchs out and tries different stuff instead of just sticking to one thing. It allows the creator to stretch different creative muscles and it can keep the main content from getting old due to artist burnout. Can't wait for Anime 101 especially!


Gee, I wonder who wrote this blog post. Kaiser's well-deserved ego aside, I'm super excited to see you guys expand and explore! It's really great seeing what you've built over the years and I'm looking forward to these new projects. Congratulations on all the success and wishing you more in the future.


wait a minute.....IMPLANTED MEMORIES!? You mean that time that I spent with you guys on the couch, as the main streamer where we broke all the twitch records....WAS A LIE!? I'm going to go sulk in my sadness......

Liam Brown

Good luck with all that, I for one will not be part of it. I'm literally here for DBZA, I've tried your various other content and I'm not a fan. Will resub when consistent DBZA episodes resume.


We've said multiple times that the TFS Patreon is not for DragonBall Z Abridged. Your Patreon donations do not go towards it's production. You are free to do with your money what you will, but please do not expect that giving us said money will give you DBZA faster or more consistently.


Have loved you guys since the beginning and will continue to support. DBZA is wonderful and all, but I can't wait to see what you guys can do. I'd love to see you guys form into a full-fledged multimedia company. Glad to be a part of it all.


Thank you! This is exactly why I had started supporting you on patreon. I initially pledged, but decided to withdraw after not seeing much progress other than TFS gaming (which is now mostly sponsored by bit drops from twitch anyway). I hope this goes towards the new content with the same, if not better quality as what I've seen from both TFS gaming and DBZA. All the very best!


I need more episodes of DBZA Because I love it so much too much it so funny and make me happy my first time watching DBZA it just so funny how Voice of Character I just love so much when I know that you guys stop the episode 59


I just can't wait to see the next episode 60 keep up great work


Honestly, I am only sending y money (as little as it is) as general support - I love TFS, and TFS gaming. Honestly, I'l probably love TFSBENTO as well


I mean. I subscribe for DBZ Abridged. I've dabbled in your other content but it's just not as good to me. The last two videos are "Deleted" on youtube right now (2017-09-25)? I'm really happy that you guys are really happy, but I pay you for things you're not doing right now. Not going to suspend subscription or anything just, you know, let's sort out this whole DBZA thing so everyone can be happy. :)


Hey Guys. Congratz on all the new projects and best of luck. I'm pretty sure you can see the overwhelming support of all your fans. I just want to make one minor comment. In the video recently posted on youtube Kaiser says that the new projects require healthy launches and once they are done, you'll go full throttle on the finale. Please re- evaluate how you're selling that. DBZA is your crown jewel aand the fans are more than willing to wait all the time you guys consider for it to come properly (I know the comments get angsty all the time but believe me, no one's life is on the line depending on a quick delivery on your behalf). I does, however sound terrible to hear that the delay is caused due to the launch of the new projects. it harms these releases cause people get biassed. anyone can think youre delaying the finale cause its no longer important to you and simply hate the new channels. I believe all your work is going to be amazing and we'll all enjoy it. just try to get some counceling on marketing cause even a delay can be a positive thing if you sell it right. Again, best of luck!