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i posted on twitter but im gonna post here as well if anyone missed it, but i fractured my clavicule,

medics said i will probably need surgery and the recovery for it takes a while.

the surgery isnt scheduled yet, but i will do it probably in a week

but dont worry since the my drawing arm is fine, i broke the right side, i draw with my left hand.

i can still move my right hand and use my computer, but if i move it move other things its starts hurting alot.

i will continue to draw the rest of the spider gwen set, and then move to the sonia one normally as usual



Hoping you recover quickly. As others have said, take care of yourself first!


Jesus fuck, take it easy and get plenty of rest. You need time to heal


Dude, take some rest, fully rest, instead of stressing your body with sessions of artwork that can, and will put put tension on your body. If you do go ahead with drawing, take it easy - else you'll make your recovery slow and painful... Wishing you a good one Roro!!


We wish you a speedy recovery.