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Hello everyone.  Just providing an update.

There was an issue with a Patron's payment so I wanted to make sure everything was properly done before the rewards are set up.  That's done and the rewards are going up tomorrow.

Additionally, I'm making this post to inquire about participation.  Two big rewards are the Warden and Wizard tiers (29 and 21 Patrons respectively) and, usually, each reward only gets between 2 and 5 Patrons interacting with them.

There's no pressure for anyone to actually participate but I do want to say that because of your support you're entitled and encouraged to participate in the rewards you've earned.  I just want to make sure everyone gets their money's worth.

If you don't want to participate that's understandable.  I just want to make sure everyone knows the option is available.

Thank you for your time and your support.  Work is progressing and I'm looking forward to showing everyone what I have.


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