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This month is a two-fer to make up for missing last month.  Everyone who is eligible can submit TWO ideas and the top two ideas in the poll will be done.

All submissions should follow the following three requirements:

  • Should be "Safe for Work" (ie: No nudity)
  • Should be relatively simple in concept and execution (Please do not request large scale concepts!  They should feature one, maybe two characters)
  • Should adhere to the lore of the game.

The final point might be an issue for some, I know.  Not everyone knows the lore in full.  This is why a week is required for the submission process.  If an idea doesn't work or needs tweaking, I am very glad to consult and help get you to a request you want to put forward.

The submission period will last one week, then voting will last 4 days, where all eligible Patrons will vote on the submitted ideas.  The winner's gets turned into artwork.

If your idea doesn't win, there is nothing stopping you from resubmitting it next month.

There is no limit at the moment for how many months an individual's ideas can win.  However, this may be changed if a single Patron overwhelmingly dominates the polls each month.  That will be addressed only if it needs to be.

So!  Please submit your ideas below!  Submissions are closed by April 26, 2021 at approximately noon Eastern Time.



I know this one isn't quite relevant as far as the modern day parts of the setting go but, an Atlantean, primarily just to serve as an example of Atlantean fashion/aesthetic.


A Flesh Golem