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The new version of HC2 is out



  • The Hero can now choose to do side jobs at the Tavern, this new mechanic doesn't need to be unlocked via the skill tree.
  • Two sets of each addiction were added, totalizing 12 girls. Sets vary between 8 and 10 images, which are update as the Hero's Lust increases.
  • Players have the option to "Resist" or "Seduce", each action modifies the client's and the player's lust, amount of gold tipped and Addiction gain. The main variables in the formulas are the Hero's VIT and client's Lust
  • The goal of a session if to bring the client's Lust above it's threshold, which raises with each passing day. If the Hero's Lust and client reach it's maximum at the same turn, the player will be punished.
  • Players will find it easy to earn small tips during the first few days with little investment, but if they want to keep the Tavern as a source of income, investing in VIT and knowing which action to take is necessary.



  • Gabby is back, but she is minding her own business now, why don't you leave her alone?


  • Is it possible to hypnotize someone against their will?

Rei(Deep Forest):

  • Rei is late to the party, but she's finally here... Don't be scared, go on, introduce yourself.


Morning Star(Gabby)

  • Damage +2. Heavy Blow multiplies damage by 3% of Current Stamina and depletes it

Whispering Stone(Caroline):

  • Adds a RefinementLv% chance of increasing damage by INT% during an encounter

Quicky Bracelet(Rei):

  • Adds a RefinementLv% chance of not consuming Stamina after an attack


  • All Images were converted to .webp (Greatly decreasing file size)
  • Added 3 new Bad Endings: Rei, Gabby and Caroline
  • Added 1 new Buff: Insight
  • Added 3 new Achievements
  • Accessories description now show base values+values increased due refinement
  • You can now buy materials in a bulk of 4 and 5
  • Added gold and coin sfx
  • Changed Kali's achievement icon
  • Removed excessive dialog when sleeping at the Tavern
  • Changed Lexi's dialog when being spared
  • Updated tutorial skill tree image


  • Revamped Fame Penalty*
  • Fame Gained in Hardmode increased by +20%
  • Church costs now increases over time
  • Increased overall common EXP gain
  • Confusion now has 1 second base time
  • EXP Ring refinement scale decreased
  • Increased EXP Ring base gain 5% > 20%
  • Decreased Polly's HP 380 > 340
  • Bianca base CON check increased: 25 > 30
  • Increased Forest bosses EXP 30 > 40
  • Increased Deep Forest bosses EXP 50 > 60
  • Polly now has a counter that may advances it's bimbo thoughts


  • Fixed Lexi's loot
  • Fixed Polly and Kendra small pics
  • Fixed Iron Fist being available to unlock sooner then expected
  • Fixed Sigrid not reproducing sounds correctly
  • Fixed Serenity's Shawl description not appearing
  • Fixed Victoria's old achievement being displayed


  • Fixed Gabby Dominated debuff


  • Fixed Caroline Gallery
  • Added dialogs to complement Gabby's hot fix


  • Fixed EXP Ring crash
  • Fixed Polly Confusion crash


  • Fixed Fame flipping to negative values

Sorry for the amount of bugs in this patch guys, by now I should've learned to not make last minute changes


*Previously, heroes that survived for several days received a penalty based on the number of days survived, this mechanic discourages comebacks and punished players who keep playing after the run's peak had passed.

From now on, Fame points received from defeating enemies will decrease linearly as days go by, but Fame already earned in previous days will not be touched.

With this change, you can expect an overall increase in Fame gain, especially in long runs.


On a final note, this month I will probably be testing the "Live Build" reward for $10 Patrons. The post with the downloadable version will be pinned to the top of the page when the development of v0.45 starts.

Have fun guys !

APK Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ulie0EF2BTKlaNzev3CvMXIPyQkqdJvi/view?usp=sharing 



Figting Polly results in an error on line 251: NameError: name 'confused_nv' is not defined

Cjaker Jaker

While running game code: File "game/Enemies/Rei.rpy", line 25, in KeyError: 'Rei' File "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\HeroCorruption2-v0.40d-win\HeroCorruption2-v0.40-win\renpy\ast.py", line 2133, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\HeroCorruption2-v0.40d-win\HeroCorruption2-v0.40-win\renpy\python.py", line 1153, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\HeroCorruption2-v0.40d-win\HeroCorruption2-v0.40-win\renpy\python.py", line 1146, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/Enemies/Rei.rpy", line 25, in KeyError: 'Rei'


Hey Jaker, game will crash if you load a run from a previous version. Please start a new run

Cjaker Jaker

Sure, if I found any bug can I report there?


I just wanted to say thank you for being so responsive with the bug reports and fixes


Thank you !! I was doing my best to get v0.40 stable as soon as possible. I know that finding bugs can be very frustrating, especially on a new patch release and I apologize for the amount of bugs in this patch, I will try to refrain from making last minute changes next time 😅


I think the Tavern Side Jobs are a bit too exploitable in their current state. You mention that the earlier days should be easier jobs, but as long as I have an addiction at 0, I can spam click "Seduce" and get the max amount of money AND offset the damages at the church with over 50% of the money I made to spare. Even in the much later days where the girls had 200+ Lust, I could just spam click "Seduce" 6 or 7 times with my VIT level and get an easy 170+ Gold. Maybe a VIT/Lust per turn cap is needed?


Hmm... Side jobs are still far from balanced, I'm keeping a close eye on them and there are high chances that I'll tweak it's values for the next update.

Cjaker Jaker

One question, why my fame points is negative when I try to start a new run? on my previous I farmed a lot and got this problem. Otherwise the game is working great, thanks for your effort!


This is definitely a bug, the new fame system should've prevented this from happening, just a second... @edit: Fixed ! Please download the latest version


ngl I am a bit disappointed how many times titfuck enemies have game overs that dont actually involve titfucking </3


I'm really enjoying these changes! I'm trying to get all of the achievements, and I can't quite figure out how to lose to Caroline. I think I've done everything short of getting every debuff in the game. Is what what I need to do?


I feel you Mini ! I'd like to add a lot more of those, but it's kind of hard to find an album with more than one or two pics...


Hi Rat ! Yup, that's pretty much it. To trigger her BE you lose while having 9 or more negative traits


Suggestion: the keyboard bindings for buttons 1, 2, etc should also accept numpad 1, 2, etc (which are considered separate keys)


I'm getting frustrated with the enemies Kendra, and Dixie, and some of the other ones too ---their hit points are too high, that the encounters end up with my addictions increased so high to the point where the meager gold isn't worth the battle. You mentioned the church is going to cost MORE? that's reverse of what I think it should be. The church takes too much I think. The game isn't playable beyond a few days thanks to this arrangement because the addictions keep piling up and the gold received from the battles just doesn't cover the cost to keep it down. I've tried increasing my addiction resistance but I notice it doesn't really have any effect. The addictions keep piling up as before. I also noticed that increasing the strength attribute beyond 10 doesn't really make any gains. Perhaps that algorithm can be increased. Just my experience after playing for a few weeks.


Hey Mike ! Church costs had to be increased to keep up with players earning gold. Yeah, HC2 is a game where the runs should last longer than the web version, but having the church costs fixed made the game pointless once the player was able to defeat the Swamp/Jungle girls with ease, since the amount of gold that they drop is much higher. Encounters in more advanced areas should be rewarding, but riskier at the same time. Furthermore, addictions are supposed to pile up, the premise of the game is to actually corrupt the hero, while you try your best to avoid this from happening. About the amount of health on some specific girls, I also have that feeling every now and then: You begin an encounter, it takes more than it feels like it should, and then you leave with an absurd amount of addiction that you weren't prepared for. Usually what I do in these cases is increase the hero's DPS, either through equipment or improving the STR/AGI attribute. That being said, if the same girls are always giving you that feeling and you've already tried switching builds without success, there's probably something wrong. I'll keep a close eye on them during the playtesting phase, and if necessary, lower their values. Thanks so much for your feedback Mike. Have a great week and feel free to share anything that comes to your mind ❤